Sunday, January 2, 2011

Disaster/ A Winter Wonderland

      Cliffside Park- Streets are closed, buses are out of service, children are out having the time of their life playing in the snow, and parents are stuck inside waiting for this disaster to be over.
     On Sunday night, Mother Nature left a winter wonderland after blizzard 2010 struck Cliffside Park, New Jersey, measuring up to 25 inches.
This unexpected surprise led hundreds of people either disappointed or overjoyed.
     For parents, it was a horrible nightmare. Many busy streets and highways were closed; for example route 17 along with many other roads.  New Jersey transit was also shut down, making transportation to work nearly impossible.
     With no transportation, many people were forced to stay at home instead of going to work and with today’s recession, many families were struck hard due to the blizzard. No work means no money for employees.
     Many people who planned out winter vacations in months in advance were also disappointed after being trapped for hours at local airports. Over 500 flights were cancelled that day at Newark Airport.  Some people had their flight cancelled at least five times before they were able to reach their destination.
     To make matters worse, because of the closed roads and unplowed streets, some ambulance were unable to assist people in need.  One woman died from Camden New Jersey, after she waited 40 minutes for medical attention.                                                                                                                                       
     However, not everyone was disappointed that day.  Many children were found either making a snowman, having a snowball fight, or even sledding down hill.
     Even though some children were disappointed that the blizzard happened during the holiday break instead of a normal school week, most children find it was one of the greatest filled days they had in a very long time.
   Besides, even if many parents were disappointed about not being able to attend to work, they were still given the opportunity to spend some quality time with their family; which is the most important part during a Christmas break.


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