Sunday, January 2, 2011

Disaster/ An Unexpected Phone Call

     RING!!! Mira Lisanin was unpacking groceries when she came upon an unexpected phone call.
     It was her long time good friend Maya who was expected to come late Monday evening.  Little did Mira know that her friend was standing at the front door.
     It was early Monday morning and Mira was getting everything ready for her friend to arrive.  She washed the dishes, took out the sheets and towels for her guest to use and even bought all of the ingredients needed for her special homemade seafood pasta.
     Her husband was taking out everything from the huge walk in closet to make space for the guest while Ana (Mira’s youngest daughter) was eating her lucky charms cereal in her pjs.
 Then up came a phone call from Maya stating she was right outside!
     Chaos and catastrophe striked, as the family tried to clean up all the shoes and jackets thrown onto the couch.
     Rampages stroke as each family member ran from one side of the room to the other stuffing all the winter coats into a 5 by 5ft. closet as wild domestic elephants.
     Ana ran right into her room and put on the nearest outfit she could find, but as she got back into the living room, she accidentally knocked over her bowl of cereal.
     “Great, that’s all we needed in this disaster” Thought Mira.
      Mira quickly ran downstairs to open the door and tired to stall Maya and her family by helping them pick up their belongings in the car; as her husband tried to put away the left over remains of shoes and wipe up the spilled cereal.
      As Maya walked into the living room, Mira apologized about the mess.
     “ When didn’t expect you to come so early; we thought you were going to arrive no later than 8p.m.
      Maya began to laugh, and Mira realized what a huge scene she had made over something nearly over nothing.

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